Bridge Architecture

Impel's R3 Corda | XDC Network Bridge Architected Design

Architected design style

Impel's bridge platform's architectural style is classified as a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), to which there are two main services; a user interface service and a bridge service.

A strong advantage of having decoupled application components allows for readiness to easily connect with each new component or with other types of network systems.

Using The Twelve-Factor App principles make Impel's bridge scalable, robust, clean, and easy to incorporate additions.

Architecture diagram

The main components of the architecture (Image 1) are denoted with digits from 1 to 6 and each one is explained as follows;

The architecture has four core components:

Other bridge actions;

Architectural patterns

Both the UI and Bridge service uses a Layered Pattern that helps to organize project files and folders, simplifies the entire project structure. This pattern works real well with Angular 9 concepts like service and components to which Impel's bridge uses.

Design pattern

Most importantly, the Adapter pattern is the chosen methodology design used, assisting the bridge service, and allows to scale the system vertically. Depending on the teleport event or if the payload includes digital assets, the appropriate adapter class is chosen to complete a successful transaction.

Miscellaneous patterns

Other design patterns used by Impel's bridge for both UI and Bridge services include:

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